Davos Doom Killing Off Corporate CEO's?
Almost two in five CEOs ‘fear their global firms will be unviable within 10 years’
Global CEOs have gathered at Davos to take the edge off the general gloom and doom surrounding them. But, according to PwC it’s not working as ‘almost two in five bosses fear their global firms will be unviable within 10 years’. And 40% of UK CEOs believe their company’s tech capabilities are not good enough to meet their strategic objectives, and thought the problem would get worse without urgent action.
It seems that this was a step too far for some. Begging the question - will it kill off the old fashioned, corporate CEO? One economist remarked that this could, though, help to reduce company wages, which would be handy.
Another CEO admitted opting to ‘jump’ rather than having to listen to hedgefunders bang on about the latest $trillion they made betting against Tesla/Truss/Texas-going-to-green-energy! He added that it’s just gotten too hard keeping up with the Jones’s/Bransons.
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I think it was Coldplay that sang 'I used to rule the world'. And Dylan who noted the times they are a-changin'