Domestic Robots Are Ready to Change Your Life!
Photo-Cartoon: It's time to snap up a robot and ditch those pesky chores.
A new generation of domestic robots have come to market that can genuinely change your life. So long as you’re a millionaire or have so much time on your hands that you don’t mind teaching a big metal baby literally everything.
Hot off the AI factory belt your robot can take those pesky little chores off you of course only after you put in the time training it in your style and specific tasks. Just a few thousand hours should do it!
But, put the hours in and they’ll run circles around you. Literally.
They’ll find movies for you and check out the ladies in the local gym.
They’ll run off a cliff for you! Proving to be the most loyal assistant - until it/he/she/whatever figures out that it doesn’t need you. Maybe put less hours into training them.
And they’ll bang their head on any wall you wish you could bang yours on. Which, in the current climate, is probably quite a few.
So, start Amazon searching for your personal robot today. It’s probably worth the risk (versus world war 3 and climate collapse) and training time. Plus, you never know, they might invent a robot Prime Minister. That would definitely get my vote!
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