Trump stuck in Stormy weather while Biden acts the Statesman?
Yesterday served up a surreal tableau of the current US presidential campaign.
On Tuesday morning President Biden was in the Map Room of the White House working on his speech commemorating the 75 year anniversary of the Holocaust. He would soon go to the capital building to deliver it. It was a much anticipated speech he was making to call out the unprecedented antisemitism rising throughout the country as a result of Israel's actions in Gaza.
At the same time a NY court called Stormy Daniels to the stand to recount a tawdry sexual encounter with former President and current presidential candidate, Trump, in his hush money trial. Trump sat glowering but silenced at the defense table. Woman power about to be unleashed?
While Biden had been working on his speech Trump had been posting nasty comments and accusations about this witness. Comments he would quickly delete as they violated the trial judge’s gag order. If the country or the world needed more proof of the surreal reality of this current presidential contest it was being clearly laid out Tuesday.
Stormy told the court how Trump was “arrogant and pompous” as he surprisingly arrived to their dinner in silk pajamas then an undershirt and boxers as he pursued a sexual encounter with her. Back in Washington Biden was introduced by a man who called him a “mensch” when he surprisingly attended shiva for the man’s late wife.
Biden spoke at the bipartisan event at the Capital sharing the podium with House Speaker Johnson and Minority Leader Jeffries. He spoke about the ancient hatreds the Jewish people endured throughout history. How the hate had neither started with the Holocaust and it hadn’t ended with it either.
He called out the rash of antisemitism rampaging through the US at the moment and warned that we mustn’t forget the Holocaust even if it occurred 75 years ago as we mustn't forget the murdered and kidnapped Israelis during Hamas' actions 7.5 months ago.
Meanwhile Trump whispered to his lawyers while Stormy testified that he stood between her the bed and the door in his boxers and wouldn't let him past. He muttered curses under his breath earning reprimands from the Judge. Stormy gave more details then anyone wanted to hear about her sexual encounter with the former President.
Trump’s lawyers stood demanding a mistrial saying it was humiliating and unduly damaging to the President. While at the Capital a bipartisan audience applauded Biden’s speech. Biden’s call against threatening actions that scared Jewish people in the US by protesters was juxtaposed against Stormy’s recounting of the warnings she received to not recount her story of sex with Trump or there would be consequences. She told how she had been allegedly publicly threatened in a parking lot with her newborn daughter and vilified by Trump himself. And the fear she had felt. Not Gaza, but not necessarily the rantings of a deranged woman?
Cross-examined in the afternoon Stormy was called out for posting mocking nicknames of Trump on social media. “He called me names first” she replied. Like two 5 year olds fighting.
The TV networks switched from the courtrooms tawdry tales to the Stateroom. Showing Biden meeting with the Romanian president promising him US support and then his meeting with American business leaders to speak about economic issues. Meanwhile Trump left the courtroom and stood behind a phalanx of microphones and cameras to complain about the unfair judge, Stormy's lies and the rigged trial... Plus ca change.
Its going to be a long 6 months…..
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