What is The Letts Journal?

The Letts Journal is a weekly publication that talks straight about business, climate and life, for progressive thinkers and innovative leaders.

We take a view and we keep it short. Who’s got time for more?

Along with its main section, The Letts Journal has channels which include ‘Surviving’, ‘Liberty Shrugged’ and ‘Photo Synthesis’, providing future trends, political satire and photo-cartoons.

We think news publications have become dry and jargonistic. We want to make business news entertaining, insightful and fun.

The Letts Journal is about commentary, conversation and a more open, inclusive approach.

Straight from the hip… with the right amount of tongue-in-cheek.

Published by LettsGroup

This is a LettsGroup publication. You know, the people that invented the diary 200 years ago. Today we are a branded venture group.

LettsGroup is run by the family and centred on innovation. Our media teams focus on digital media and Media-as-a-Service. The Letts Journal is edited by Philip Letts, the 7th generation of the family media group.

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The Letts Journal is a reader-funded publication. Subscribe to get full access to the publication and website - it’s free! And you will never miss an update.

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Our standard free subscription has been supplemented with a voluntary monthly or annual subscription costing just £3.50 per month or £35 annually. If you can afford it, please support us by subscribing today.

Paying supporters help us to keep The Letts Journal open and free for all - free for those that need it, ad-free and click bait free.

When you subscribe you get to join the conversation via comments and chat threads. We hope that by subscribing to The Letts Journal you will feel more informed, more entertained and more inspired.

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Be part of a community of people who want a different kind of news media. One that is truly independent and doesn't regurgitate corporate press releases or focus on click chasing.

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Talking straight about business, politics and life. For progressive thinkers and innovative leaders.


We invented the diary in 1812. Today we are a branded venture group focused on technology, media and the environment. Led by the family and still innovating. https://letts.group/
History Student, Professional at Devon Sculpture Park, Experienced Rewilder.